Meetings & Events

Indoor meetings every 3rd Monday of the month in the Methodist rooms, Chipping Norton 7.30 for an 8pm start

Club Night

MONTHLY CLUB NIGHT - Mon 17th June  Presentations will include a look back at the recent aurora 'storm' with stills and video, a 'show and tell' by Dave about his quite remarkable telescope and (hopefully) a 'What's up in the sky for the next month' by regular contributor, Nic Fleet. Thanks to Mel and Dave […]

Tom Field

July 15th - live from USA Tom Field President, Field Tested Systems Contributing Editor, Sky & Telescope Magazine, 2011 - 2021 'Spectroscopy'  

Perseid Meteor Shower – 11th August

  Sunday 11th August at The Rollright Stones A popular CNAAG meet up at this time of year is for meteor viewing and we will once again hope to get together on the night of Sunday 11th August at The Rollright Stones. A first quarter Moon sets just before 11pm so the viewing conditions are […]

CNAAG stand at Rollright Stones Day

The Rollright Stones Day on 26th August, Bank Holiday Monday. Our next scheduled outreach is at The Rollright Stones Day on 26th August, Bank Holiday Monday.  

Chris Hooker

The Planet Mercury Monday's meeting is an in person and zoom meeting. Doors open at the Methodist Hall at 7pm with meeting starting at 7.30


Methodist Hall   doors open 7pm.  Talks on:  Lunar Geology - Graham Cunningham;     Comet Spotting from La Palma - Steve Knight, Nic Fleet;    Observation Reports on latest Aurora.                  

Xmas meeting with Mike Frost

Long Compton Village hall -  Monday 9th December Xmas meeting with a visit and talk from Mike Frost. CNAAG members only


1900 - 2100 - Methodist Hall. Talks: Additions and Objectives of the 16 inch thin mirror Dob - David Henderson;  Totally Unprepared - Lawrence Greenhood; What to look for in the January/February Sky -Nicky Fleet