Meetings & Events

Indoor meetings every 3rd Monday of the month in the Methodist rooms, Chipping Norton 7.30 for an 8pm start

Monthly Meeting – December – Chris Lintott

Speaker Chris Lintott from Oxford University/ Sky at Night presenter etc. **  Confirmed –  but no title yet ** — 7PM for 8PM at the Methodist Church Hall ( use the side entrance to lower back room ), Chipping Norton  *** Doors open 7PM ***

Monthly meeting – January – Mike Frost

Monday 20th January - Mike Frost - ' Lady pioneers of the BAA ' - — 7:30 for 8PM at the Methodist Church Hall (use the side entrance to lower back room), Chipping Norton

Monthly Meeting – February – Mary McIntyre FRAS

Speaker:   Oxfordshire Astronomer Mary McIntyre - talking about Reflection,Refraction & Excitation 7:30 for 8PM at the Methodist Church Hall ( use the side entrance to lower back room ), Chipping Norton

Monthly meeting – AGM

****** AGM POSTPONED ****** CNAAG  AGM — 7:30 for 8PM at the Methodist Church Hall (use the side entrance to lower back room), Chipping Norton

Monthly meeting – May – John McCormic

John McCormic talking about the Apollo programme and the Moon landings. — 7:30 for 8PM at the Methodist Church Hall (use the side entrance to lower back room), Chipping Norton

Jon Wade

An online Zoom meeting for members only ( email invitation from Chairman Robin Smitten )   Jon Wade from Oxford University, Earth Sciences, on the origins of the Moon

Zoom meeting – November – Mike Frost

The Rector of South Kilworth - a talk by Mike Frost From 1817 to 1847 the Rector of South Kilworth, South Leicestershire, was the Reverend William Pearson. He was also the co-founder of the Royal Astronomical Society, and his portrait hangs in the council room of the RAS. From his observatories in the village, Pearson […]

Xmas Zoom meeting – Dr Susanne P Schwenzer

A Zoom meeting by invitation ( email from Chairman Robin Smitten ) for members only. Dr. Susanne P. Schwenzer - Senior Lecturer - Open University - An update on Curiosity and the Perseverence Mars missions