Chipping Norton Astronomer – Geoffrey Burbidge ( 1925 – 2010 )

Geoffrey Burbidge ( 1925 – 2010 )

Geoffrey Burbidge was born in Chipping Norton and educated at the Grammar School. His name appears on the old school honours board, now in the History Museum. After graduating from Bristol & UCL he did research in theoretical Astrophysics  and found international fame following publication of a paper in “Reviews of Modern Physics” together with his wife Margaret, William Fowler and Fred Hoyle. This was the research that proved in 1957 that we are all made of star dust.

The daughter of  the Burbidges ( Sarah ) together with their grandson ( Connor ) visited Chipping Norton to see their relative Paul Burbidge recently and collected a 100th birthday card for Margaret from CNAAG.

Astronomer Margaret Burbidge at 100 years old.

From LHS: Paul Burbidge, Sarah, Connor, Robin ( CNAAG founding chairman )

Geoff Burbidge autobiographical notes:  Geoff-Burbidge-history

Quasars data table from the book by Burbidge**2